The Connor Lourens Memorial
Fund was established following the death of Connor B. Lourens in February 2006.
Connor was seven years old when he was killed in a tragic accident involving a
neighbor’s dog. Although Connor’s life was very short, he touched a tremendous
number of people in the local and surrounding communities of Lunenburg,
Connor was a fun loving first grader who worked hard at school and tried very
hard at everything he did. Connor was a loving son, brother, grandson and
friend. He was compassionate toward others, he would always help out when needed
and even as a seven year old, could bring comfort to a friend in need without
being asked. He was an avid skier, loved to ride his bike, play with his
brothers and friends and his own dog, Ginger. Connor was a die hard Red Sox fan,
and didn’t approve of anyone who was a Yankee’s fan!
Connor is missed tremendously by his immediate and extended family as well as
his friends and classmates and the community at large. After his sudden death,
the entire community banded together to provide comfort to his family and
friends and the school population. The Connor Lourens Memorial Fund was
established to create a lasting memorial to Connor and to allow us, his family,
to give back to a community that has shown such compassion and support over the
last several months.
The first goal of the memorial fund is to raise enough money to replace an aging
playground located in the center of Lunenburg on the grounds of the Thomas C.
Passios Elementary School. This playground, known as Kids Kingdom, has been in
place approximately 18 years and has out lived its usefulness and is now a
safety concern to the children of Lunenburg. Neither the town of Lunenburg, nor
the school department has the funds to replace the aged playground. A new
playground will serve to memorialize Connor and provide a safe, fun place for
the children of Lunenburg for years to come.
Through the efforts of countless individuals, several events throughout 2006,
and general donations to the fund, the goal of a playground is within reach. Our
goal is to complete the fundraising for the playground and have it ready for the
2006-2007 school year.
Once this goal is accomplished, other community projects geared toward
children’s activities will be considered, as well as scholarship and academic
awards for residents of Lunenburg. It is our hope that we can continue to
remember Connor in a way that positively affects other children of Lunenburg and
their families. In this way we hope to say “Thank You” to the community that has
provided us with so much strength since Connor’s death.

Forever in my heart. |
Copyright © 2007 Connor Lourens
Memorial Fund. All Rights
Reserved. |