Our Sponsors:
Connor was seven years old when he was killed in a tragic accident in February of 2006. Since that time, we decided to create a memorial for him in the form of a new playground in Lunenburg, MA. The existing "Kids Kingdom" playground at T. C. Passios Elementary School was no longer safe to the children to use. It was demolished in November 2006 and replaced with the Connor Lourens Memorial Playground! Our family, friends and surrounding community have been very generous and supportive towards us throughout the past several months. We are happy to give back to the community while honoring Connor’s memory in a way that children for years will be able to enjoy. Our dream to build the new playground in Connor’s memory had been realized. Thank you for the many generous contributions which helped us reach our goal to allow all the children of Lunenburg to have a nice, safe, new playground to use for years to come.
Thank you very much for your support. The Lourens Family Kid's Kingdom 2006 Click here to see an artist's representation of the new playground!